Sunday, September 20, 2009

Writing Drought

Two years ago, I already created a blogger account and was immensely attached to it just as I was on my DevArt account. But I kept so much web accounts and grown so tired when I realized I'm not making any sense with all those petty web communities I own. Now I decided to collect myself and keep only those I really care about. But I've already forgotten the password for my blogger, hence I created a new one. I hate doing this, but I should because I've become too frugal in spending words these days. I'm fine using visual art as a medium of self-expression, but completely, no. Maybe that's the reason why I'm experiencing a lot of Esprit d'Escalier and typecasting lately, and blame this shitty writing drought that I have as a product of laziness.

The kind of future I am creating today, leads me to nothing if this would continue. And that, God, just help me, I wouldn’t allow to happen.

PS: I will move my old blog entries here.